A Minimal, Neutral Toddler Room Tour


I struggle with sharing our home online because our space is in constant flux. Take Izzy’s room, for example; we set up his space six months ago but never really finished it. My nesting motivation ran out and I never got around to picking out or buying art or styling his shelf properly.

As I write this, I have plans to finish the rearranging of his room (that we started a month ago 😅) tomorrow. I figured it was about time I share what his room looked like since I went through the trouble of taking photos.

Without further ado, here’s a look at Izzy’s room!


quilt / pillowcase / constellation mat

His bed is a hand me down from my childhood. This was the bottom bunk of the bunkbed that my sister and I shared for years when we lived in an apartment before my parents bought a house. My brother and my youngest sister also used this bed at some point in their childhoods which basically makes this bed a family heirloom!


Under the window is Izzy’s toy self. I’m still perfecting his toy rotation but I try to keep it pretty pared down and minimal. I’ve found that the more toys he has out, the less he plays with anything! There are lots of bushes and trees behind his window so having the shelf under the window means we can birdwatch together.


The bookshelves might be might favorite part of his room! They were out of stock for the longest time and finally after several trips to IKEA we found them! Believe it or not, Izzy actually reads most of these books. This little patch of wall turned out to be the perfect spot for his books.


The process of making a room serve all the purposes it needs to is sloooowww and is definitely teaching me patience. I can’t wait to show you what the somewhat updated version of his room is!